About Joy Robinson, Certified Life Coach

Joy Robinson, Certified Life Coach
Hey there!
Welcome to my life coaching practice, Authentic Girl Coaching. My name is Joy Robinson, and I am a certified life coach with a passion for empowering teen girls and young women. I am a Southern California native living in Los Angeles, and work with clients across the U.S. via Zoom. I am a mom to the love of my life and muse, daughter Katie, a college graduate. I am a fierce mental health advocate, love animals, and in my spare time volunteer at my local animal shelter.
I work exclusively with girls and young women because I understand how they think and behave. As girls enter adolescence, it’s critical that they learn how to navigate their lives in a way that develops and protects their self-esteem. These days, girls are experiencing more stress, worry, and pressure than ever before, and their social world can be a cruel and confusing place, full of judgment and psychological drama. It’s no wonder that anxiety, depression, and self-harm are on the rise. But there’s hope, and my customized coaching program helps girls navigate it all, as they develop the self-awareness needed in order to create meaningful change and thrive.
When I was a kid, my parents experienced personal problems that led them to make choices that turned my once idyllic childhood into one of chaos, confusion, and trauma. I was moved from place to place and changed schools many times. I developed anxiety and struggled with self-esteem. As the new kid again and again, I was always on the outside looking in, trying to figure out how and where to fit in. As I approached my teenage years, I started engaging in risky behavior and making poor choices that would have led me down a bad path had I not figured out how to turn things around. The key was authenticity. Being true to myself, instead of trying to fit in. I started focusing on my personal values, who I truly wanted to be, and what kind of life I really wanted to live. It changed everything and was the key to surviving those tumultuous years and eventually thriving in life.
When I became a mom many years later, I was determined to support my daughter and the girls in our community as they navigated their own labyrinth of adolescence. In 2011, I founded a nonprofit with a mission to empower girls through self-esteem programs, mentoring, and educational scholarships. From there I discovered life coaching and its power to transform lives, and now devote myself to it as my full-time profession. It’s my purpose in life. I do this work because I am now the adult that I needed growing up, and I am passionate about helping others.
Over the years I’ve worked with hundreds of adolescent girls, young women, and parents, and I love what I do. I bring a warmth and positive energy that girls connect with, and my relatable and straight-forward style helps them open up and trust the process. I’ve developed a unique coaching program that gets right to the heart of the issues that my clients are experiencing so we can get to work creating meaningful change. The adolescent years present very specific challenges like no other time in development, and those experiences stay with us for life. Having a coach by your side will ensure a positive outcome.
I would love to support you/your daughter as you step into your personal power and become the person you truly want to be and create a life you’re excited to live. You deserve it, and my coaching will help get you there. Book a free consultation today so we can talk. I look forward to meeting you!
My Coaching Credentials:
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
International Coaching Federation
Certified Youth Resilience Coach
Trained by Dr. Leah B. Mazzola
Youth Coaching Institute, LLC
Girl Meets World Teaching Certification
Professional Development Training
Rachel Simmons and Girls Leadership
Member in good standing
International Coaching Federation